Sunday, July 24, 2011

Painting Progress - Ruby Red

I'm currently working on this still life painting of a grapefruit. It is taking a little longer than expected, but I'm hoping that I will become faster as I complete more and more paintings.


  1. I didn't realize that you paint...if you picked it up recently you are doing a tremendous job. You have a very good sense of color and of value, that alone is what makes a good painter. Those are hard things to get a handle on...I can't wait to see more of your work, since I never got a chance to see it in person. The drawing book you just read, Classical Drawing Atelier, is very good, I own it as well...I was going through that sort of training in the last 2 years but took a break from it this summer to focus more on landscapes. Keep up the good work and stay focused. Best of luck.

  2. Thank you so much Luis! You know, my friendship with you is what inspired me to shy away from strictly drawing, and venture into oil painting in the first place!

    I've had a lot of mental blocks these past few years, but I really believe I can do something with my career... and It's great to have supportive friends like you! Keep in touch!
